Record Turnout of 55 Trail Work Volunteers a One Session

We'd like to thank all 55 of our volunteers who turned out at Little Mountain last Saturday. Fifty-five is our record number of volunteers in one session. This is astounding and we can't thank you all enough. Once again we were operating the high-line system of ropes, pulleys, and buckets. Using this eliminates a half mile wheelbarrow trip so that we can move rock much more efficiently. At the top rock was loaded into plastic buckets.

Rock loaders

Rock loaders



The buckets were then attached to the high-line rope at the platform.



These were lowered down to the next group who emptied the buckets into a wheelbarrow. The empty buckets were then returned to the top very quickly by a couple of counterweighted buckets.





At lunch the Esteps came out yet again to serve a delicious lunch of soup and bread. Thanks again to everyone who came out to enjoy the weather. Remember, trailbuilding is fun! Tell your friends and we hope to see you out on the trails soon.